
Friday Fun: Five Jolly Good Dog Videos

August 31, 2012
Good Dog Videos

Top of the morning to you, dog lovers! Welcome to the last day of the work week, happy Friday and happy beginning of a long, Labor Day Weekend. Do you have any exciting plans? Well, if you do and even if you don’t, we suggest starting off by watching these amazing dog videos. They’ll get you revved up for time with your own pooch or just ready to have a lot of fun. Enjoy!(dog walking services nyc)

Good Dog Videos

1. We posted about the Corgi Cam a while back. Here are some furry highlights.


2. If you think the crying baby bulldog circulating the web was cute, check out this crying baby husky.


3. As an homage to the last days of summer, here’s a weiner dog enjoying the water by doing barrel rolls.


4. Baths? Who needs baths when you can be groomed by a vacuum cleaner?


5. And lastly, this is how we bring in the weekend. With complete and utter excitement.


Have a great Labor Day weekend, everyone!

Source: Main image via Pet Health Central Facebook Page 

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